پوری طرح استعمال کرنے کے لئے براءے مہربانی کوکیز کو این ایبل کریں .

Abbotsleigh is an independent Anglican school for girls in the diocese of Sydney. Each girl is encouraged to develop her potential in a caring Christian environment by fostering her pursuit of personal and academic excellence. By providing a broad, well balanced education the School helps each girl to develop both independence and interdependence, an appreciation of diversity and a philosophy of life which will enable her to be a courageous, constructive and compassionate world citizen with a will to serve.

Abbotsleigh's motto is tempus celerius radio fugit (time flies faster than a weaver's shuttle). As the shuttle flies a pattern is woven, with the threads being the people, buildings and events. The pattern is Abbotsleigh as it continues to grow in complexity and richness each year.

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